Muttley's Musings

By RuralDave

Deer in the bracken

I woke up early this morning, so I quickly got ready and went to Bradgate Park on the other side of Leicester to try for a sunrise shot, and also to try and see some of the deer. I made it in time to get a sunrise picture. There was mist forming lower down in the park area so I got a couple of pictures of that too before turning my attention to the Deer. The mist kept building and at one point I was enveloped in thick fog.

It was very eerie hearing the bellowing of the Red Deer coming through the mist and fog. I was able to see some very fine stags, including one small duel, but the mist was making it really hard to get good clear pictures. This is one of the smaller stags who looked up from grazing in a fleeting moment of brightness.

I'll post a couple of images on Flickr and the Blippers overflow page

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