
By LadyFindhorn

Twice As Nice

Not today it wasn't : well maybe a tad nicer than yesterday, but still not the sort of day to put a spring in your step. Brollies were to the fore again and it always helps if they are red. Funnily enough that seems to be the most common cheery colour, not yellow which might be even nicer.

Last night's soiree with a tiny turn out of Edinburgh blippers was rather a jolly affair despite the numbers. There was a slight generation gap between me and the rest, and I bore their gentle teasing at my expense with good grace and sang froid attitude.

They taught me a thing or two on the IT front for which I was more than grateful and which just goes to show that you can after all teach your granny to suck eggs.

There will undoubtably be another generation gap occasion later this afternoon when I congregate with young parents collecting their offspring from the local school. We 'oldies' give each other conspiratorial glances as we stand amongst the prams and pushchairs, trying to look as though we belong, all the time remembering how hectic and fraught it was trying to bring up a clutch of children with absolutely no time for oneself.

The papers yesterday announced that people are most content at 74. So that's something to look forward to.

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