The secret book of flies

Not so secret anymore :-)

There are some beauties in here, most of them hand made. I got to use a yellow rabbit from the closely guarded collection. Fortunately I didn't lose it.

We had a fish this evening. I spent some of the time continuing to learn Spey casting - skagit casting is the type I'm doing.

It's a type of fly fishing and originates from the River Spey in Scotland. It's a larger rod and you use two hands, whereas straight fly fishing uses one hand.

I had a way to go but it's a beautiful form of fishing when done properly.

There is a friendly rivalry between the fisher-hunter and I. With the new fishing season underway, at the start of the evening the score was 24 - 1 to me.

It's possible I've mentioned this differential once of twice ;-)

By the end of the evening it was 24 - 2. A fat wee sea run trout released back in the river to grow bigger and fatter.

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