I am determined not to whinge on about my injury, but as it’s raining outside and it doesn’t look as if I will get out to find a blip today, I thought I could at least take a photograph of my very pink slippers, for the BCAM challenge, and of course my constant companions at the moment, my crutches.

Felt a bit down last night as my arms and chest ached from using the crutches, but decided this morning when I got up that there are many people far worse off than me, gave myself a good talking to, and am now looking up and as my friend, Karen and I always say to one another G.O.I. - Get Over It!

Of course, it may take some help from others, but today is going to be a good day and I have started off well.

Could I encourage you, once again, to click on this LINK so that someone may have a free mammogram. Thank you and have a great week.

Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the little voice
at the end of the day that says
"I'll try again tomorrow."
Mary Anne Radmacher

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