
By Nigel

Bright Morning

A lovely bright day this morning, and as I am off work and heading out for lunch it was very welcome.

Lunch with Steven from Stipso turned out to be more than I thought it was going to be. I have been working for them on and off as a freelancer for a while, on top of #dayjob, and Steven has expressed his wish to hire me permanent but as a startup they are not in a position to match my salary. But the lunch was arranged because there front-end, UX/UI, designer wearer of many hats person is leaving. This frees up a substantial amount of money each month to commission me. I would not be earning as much as I do in #dayjob overall but the rate would be the same and I would be free to take on other work. This adds a welcome spanner in the works as waiting for CGI to send a letter (6 weeks now) is getting tedious.

Another spanner came in the form of an Icelandic poker software company who are setting up an Edinburgh office wanting to interview me. That could lead to good things all round...

Exciting times then, well apart from the scarcity of booze of coure.

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