
By monochrome

New Toy

Stuck for a blip, so decided to post a pic of my new toy. I had my heart set on a MacBook pro (since relinquishing my old Powerbook when I changed jobs), however weddings are an expensive business, so I have to wait until next year for that. Probably better off waiting at this stage too - Leopard is just around the corner, so no point buying a mac just now just to upgrade in a few months.
So, this is my interim solution. It's actually quite decent considering the relative cheapness of it - dual core 1.7GHz, 1GB RAM, 80GB hard-drive. Oh yeah, it also came with (much to my delight*) Microsoft Vista Business Edition. That lasted all of the half hour or so it took me to download and burn the Kubuntu CD.

* Sarcasm

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