Leaf peeper

Brown Peeper

doe of a trio
the bravest one
peeps breakfasting
through green
her pink tongue plucking
tattered leaves going gold
she's suddenly still
as I open the door
my camera lens poised
her eyes oh so black
holding my gaze
then turning tail
whirling now waving
a white flag goodbye

One of three deer near the house this morning. She watched me, instantly frozen as I took a shot through the door and then stepped outside for more. She lingered a moment, her gamey scent filled the air as she joined her mates leaping over the old stone wall.

For the Record,
This day came in damp and dark with breaking sun and warm temperatures again.

All hands getting healthier.

Our friend J will be discharged into her sister's care on Monday. We shall see, for all of us it means she moves rather far away, but I'm not sure of the plans.

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