Yoga cat

Downward facing dog cat, or"Adho mukha svanasana" with a feline variation.

Raspberry was most helpful as T rolled up her yoga mats.

I've been to a local clinic to have an itchy red bite, on my trunk looked at for the second time. This morning it had a spreading redness around it that was not there when I had it looked at for the first time last Friday morning. So when the NP saw that I was running a 99.1 F low grade fever, she decided to treat me for cellulitis just in case. Ten days of meds, a topical cream and over the counter allergy meds. UGH. A non venomous bite, most likely not a spider or tick. I've had it nearly a week, and it was getting worse. Friday it was just a red bump that I feared could be a from an unseen tick. We'll see.

We are going along with another close friend to the hospital to see J. Tomorrow, upon release, her youngest sister is taking her to Ohio to stay with her. I don't need to say how hard this is for all involved, especially poor J.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cool, the heat is gone.

Not able to say All hands healthy as yet. T is still congested and I've been bitten, and it's red with a hurting itch, ugh.

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