Through Golden Leaves

This morning I drove through the lovely countryside in the hire car to Salisbury Cathedral. Whilst I was nervous, it made it easier that there was a radio and cd player in the car and I could play some relaxing music :)

When I got to Salisbury parking was easy, and then it was a short walk to meet up with Tim aka Sarum Stroller who very kindly showed me around the Cathedral and indeed places within the Cathedral that I may not have actually noticed. Thank you Tim :)

It has been really difficult to make a choice of what to blip tonight between the 260 odd photographs I took (I completely filled one SD card!) :) In the end I chose this because I really love the autumn colours in it (and what an amazingly warm October day it has been) I will put the rest on flickr at some point in the next couple of days!

I came home mid- afternoon and again a relatively stress free drive :)

This evening I popped out to an evening service at the second church I go to. It was a lovely youth service, with plenty going on :) The young girl leading the singing was just amazing, she has a real talent indeed...

I went to fill up the car after that because tomorrow, I will be returning the car first thing! I had to summon the assistance of a young man in the petrol station to help me with the cap, as I could not undo it, how embarrassing..... It turns out that the cap screws rather than just unlocking!

Tomorrow, I have a friend coming over and then we are hoping to go to The Vyne, a National Trust property near Basingstoke :)

Happy Sunday folks :)

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