Someday my plinths will come

Un o'r problemau gyda'r hen gwt oedd y to - roedd y graddiant yn rhy fas. Nawr mae'r siawns gyda ni i newid pethau. Adeiladais i nifer o 'blinthau' i gefnogi'r trawstiau dros y deildy - felly mae'r graddiant yn fwy. Dyn ni'n meddwl y gallwn ni gosod y to ar y deildy'r wythnos nesa.

One of the problems with the old hut roof - was that the gradient was too shallow. Now we have the chance to change things. I built a number of 'plinths' to support the beams over the arbour - so the gradient is greater. We're think we will be able to put the roof on the arbour next week.

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