Fancy New Dish!

I bought a new bag of cat biscuits the other day, and stupidly put them on the floor in the pantry. I shouldn't do this as Neo, who can sniff out a biscuit a mile away, usually bites the bag until he puts a hole in it.

Well, as soon as I saw him attacking the bag I put it up on a shelf. Today I noticed quite a lot of ants on it. Took the bag down and found the tiniest little tear in the bag, Neo's claws no doubt. So then I had to put the whole bag into a couple of plastic boxes.

When I do this I tip the old biscuits into a measuring cup, and then put them back on top of the new biscuits. Neo discovered he liked eating the biscuits out of the cup. I tried to blip him as he was doing this on the work bench, but he ran away when I got the camera out. So I did a naughty thing and put them on the floor.

I drove to Brisbane with my husband today, he doesn't like driving much anymore.
He wanted to go to this Indian shop where we can buy spices so much cheaper than the supermarket. When we got home we discovered we'd picked up a spice I'd never even heard of instead of the cumin that we wanted. Annoying, as its way to far to go back and exchange it. There must be somewhere more local we can go to.

Mind you we have enough spice to last the next 10 years!!

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