
I had the day off from work today so I tried out a few DIY projects I've had bookmarked for ages. The first was a watercolour mug using a plain white mug I got from the dollar store and my favorite blue nail polish- the only color I've been using for years. As I love mugs and anything baby blue, I thought it couldn't go wrong. Well, it did not turn out like the tutorial at all. The finished product looks like something I made at a birthday party ten years ago rather than the much artier version I saw online.

The second project was this pineapple jack o lantern. It didn't take that long and was really fun. Not the most creative thing, but it's a different take on the traditional. Kings Hawaiian is having a contest for pineapple jack o lanterns, incidentally, and I think I might send mine in. I'll have to wait to see how it looks when the sun has gone down and it's lit up.

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