1000 Blips ..........

.......... equals .........

1,000 days
24,000 hours
1,440,000 minutes
86,400,000 seconds (give or take a leap year)

......... but, most of all, it equals much happiness and friendship.

As is so often mentioned on special blipdays - there is nothing I can say that hasn't been said before about what a wonderful place this is, full of wonderful people.
I am honoured to be a part of it.

Today my little gold camera icon turns to blue (hence the significance of the centre part of my journal entry) - and being a member of the "Blue Club" is pretty exciting in itself :-)) ..... and then there are the famous red (blip) balloons - yay!!

To be honest, this is a day when I wish I could use (or have) photoshop, elements, lightroom or some other whizzy program and the skills to use them ....... making the collage would have been a doddle ......... instead it's been a bit of a long-winded affair ending with me taking a photo of my computer screen and giving it a final tweak and a crop.

For those interested in looking back:

Top Row: BlipBear; Kelpies; Hawaii; Flower; Shadow

Centre Background: BlipBirthday Sunrise

Bottom Row: My Mum; Daisy; Dancing Egret; Pittsburgh; Feathery Hugs;

Bigger ................

A massive thanks to everyone who has contributed comments, stars and hearts to my journal, has given freely of their advice and help and generally just been "good people" - long may we all enjoy being here, developing our photography and our friendships.

~ Anni ~

"Groan of the Day"

A man goes into a pub with a large newt on his shoulder and says to the bar tender:
" I'll have a pint of beer and give me a shot of vodka for Tiny here, please "

The barman serves him and then asks: " Why is he called Tiny "

The man replies: " Because he's my newt "

Boom, boom


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