
By StroudWomble

Lone Tree

Since I started my Blip challenge I find myself driving along mentally noting places that I want to blip from. Today's blip has been in the making for a few months, every time I drive by this tree I have wanted to take a photo, today was that day!

The 'Lone Tree' is on Minchinhampton Common (adjacent to and joining Rodborough Common) which is part of the National Trust Common that I often walk Bertie on, just across the valley from our house it's a half hour walk to get to or 5 minutes in the car. When going to Bath or Tetbury I will ALWAYS drive across the common by choice as it is such a wonderful area, it's a place that is very well used by walkers, picnicking kite flying families and GOLFERS! Yes believe it or not but this is also the nearest local golf course!

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