Just out of curiosity...

By silverswan13

Day 295 (Lincoln 13C Green)

It was lovely to see my our 20th anniversary of Pagan Dawn come through the door today, as well as some blue magpie feathers for a project idea. What do I remember of 1994? Well, that was the year that I graduated from high school. I then started working in the mailroom of an insurance brokers, and started university. It was a world religion class in uni that finally gave me the name for my path of beliefs.

Where do I find myself now? Well, always still learning about my pagan path. Living with a wonderful partner and daughter, Finding ways to be involved in my community, and meeting more friends than I've ever had before (with that circle ever growing).

Here's to many more years of growing in myself, and the continued success of Pagan Dawn and the Pagan Federation.

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