
By CyclopsJnr


Every middle class baby has a Sophie Giraffe teether. I believe it is the law.

Well it has been a mixed day.

BabyCyclops slept very well overnight. 7pm til 6am with two brief feeds, then he was persuaded to go back to bed til 8am. He’s not slept so well in at least a week.

He woke up in a lovely mood.

We had a routine GP appointment, and MrsCyclops asked advice on teething medication. As BabyCyclops seemed improved (although teeth still absent), the GP suggested medication could be withheld until required again. Well it was required again at 11am in Boots as we waited for a prescription. Cue people looking daggers at woman with purple screaming baby whose first instinct was to root through her bag rather than soothe the child, although they became quite kind and understanding to us both when they saw that BabyCyclops calmed down immediately as teething liquid was applied to his gums (now carried at all times!).

And MrsCyclops feels like she has been playing catch up ever since this incident, with BabyCyclops teetering on the edge of pain and irritability all day.

Late afternoon, a bit of Fantasia (Pastoral Symphony) and a bath distracted BabyCyclops from an angry spell.

It is now 7pm and he seems to have eaten his dinner and gone to bed OK.

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