addictive personality

By addictive


Today has been such a nice day outdoors, spent most of the afternoon out in the garden at work but now that i'm home i'm absolutely freezing! Is a hot water bottle still exceptable in March?

Had an interview today and was very pleased when I was offered the job there and then this morning - WOO Go Me! It's quite a relief to have something lined up as I leave my job on friday, wangled myself a little week or two's holiday before I start too which is always a bonus.

After driving around to interviews and such this morning I realised half way through the day that my car tax ran out yesterday and I forgot to buy a new one so there was a quick dash to the post office before going into work already late! Ooops. Such a bummer, I mean come on like they don't take enough tax out my wages every month without stinging me for my car too! Grr

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