The Bell Tolls no More

I went to the Holy Trinity Avonside Church Fair this morning with my friend. We got there early and the morning was so beautiful, cool but no wind to start of with. This is my blip I did of last years fair.

My friend got a few bargains and we meet up with her daughter and grandson. afterwards we went back to her house and coffee and a chat. We decided to go and see the CityUps, city of the future tonight in the city. It should be very interesting.. hope so!

About the Holy Trinity Church

It was the second church built in Christchurch. St Michael and his Angels was the first and that is still standing and has all its earthquake repairs done. Avonside is the second oldest suburb in Christchurch dating from the arrival of the first four ships in December 1850 with Heathcote is the oldest. History states that the suburb of Avonside was named after the Holy Trinity Church Avonside – a church that was beside the Avon.

Holy Trinity was damaged slightly in the 4th September 2010 earthquake. The repairmen, who were having their lunch when the 22nd February earthquake hit, witnessed the roof cave in and the walls tumble down over the nearby graves. Under a dark cloud, the church was demolished (September 2011), no effort being made to save the windows or remove historical items from inside. There was a huge outcry from the community! Only the graves now remain. A time capsule was discovered as the debris was cleared. Inside were the words of the consecration, read by Bishop Harper 154 years ago.
For more information the history of the Church.

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