With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

I must down to the seas again

Cala Fornells provided everything we needed to celebrate Dad, who died six years ago today. It wasn't a day for fair weather sailors, but it was a windy day and the white clouds climbed and the seagulls cried for us all.

We wrote the words of the John Masefield poem, a favourite of father's, on a piece of paper and made a boat which we set out on the water.
Thomas Allen singing Sea Fever, the John Ireland adaptation, should give you the feeling I had right then.

We did the same for Ben's great nana, who we lost last year, but we made her a plane, because she was a London 'gal and I don't think she went for boats. The song we chose was London Pride by Noel Coward.

The other shots.

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