Fast and Loose

Rounding the corner I came to a grounding halt in front of a herd, of possibly at least a dozen horses cantering at a pace up the lane. Sidling up to a tractor we blocked the road giving them no option but to veer onto a tiny track. Had I not been there they would have been on the busy A road!!

Chuntering to himself, the farmer, (tractor owner) was bemoaning people who keep horses and don't look after them properly. The police have been out numerous times to no avail; the horses still keep escaping! The trouble being that it is other people who save their bacon - well... if they were pigs!

By the time I got my camera out, conveniently located on the seat of the car as as you would expect from a good blipper, and had taken a few dodgy shots through the window, most of the drama had gone and this horse, nearly the last of the bunch had been caught and was walked up the lane with a train of cars behind!

Massive internet probs tonight here too so trouble on the blip - been fighting to get the blip up but it kept disappearing after a few minutes - hence the spellings etc as I ended up against the clock. Editing this on my laptop which is working so that means it was my computer. With the events of this week ....does it surprise me? NO!

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