
MrsPuff and awoke this morning with cats walking up and down the bed and all over us purring,this is their way of protesting about starving to death. This generally starts at about 04:00 which means I get out of bed and go to the kitchen only to find there bowls still full : ). We were talking about various things when MrsPuff followed rule 13 and made a decision to go to Christchurch ( Rule 13. General Norman Schwarzkopf,Jr Make a decision and stick to it). A beautiful day in the Garden City as we wandered through the town towards the Art Centre, There were a couple sitting outside one of the buildings, selling paintings and art work and I could have sworn this was Ian McShane, Lovejoy himself. Lovejoy. There was an Older Woman with him who I had great pleasure in being able to photograph. Both were very friendly and very happy to have their photo taken,the gentleman is from Manchester and lived not far from where the Commonwealth games were held. Hawker. We spent some time in the Botanical Gardens, this was beautiful, as we walked through enjoying the gardens and scenery we followed the Avon to the Antigua Boat Sheds where we had lunch at the Boat Shed Cafe. I grizzled a little about the price but my sandwhich was delicious and MrsPuff had a lovely Bacon and Egg pie, it was very nice to have a Cafe lunch. We are thinking of going to the Gardens again in the future but this time staying the night in Christchurch so we can spend a good day in the Gardens as it is so beautiful.

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