The Office....

....of Captain Frederick Pabst.
This morning Jennie and her cousin did some shopping, & later they both met me at the "The Best Place"--the former manufacturing complex of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer-- for a historical tour of one of the buildings & to hear about the long & storied history of the beer company. (complete with free beer!) Milwaukee is known as "Brew City" because it has long been a huge producer of beer, & most of the famous beer makers ran their companies from here--Schlitz, Blatz, Miller, & Pabst! At one time the Pabst complex consisted of 28 buildings, all connected by undergrounds tunnels that were cut out by hand. At its' peak, the brewery had 5000 workers, but by the late 1960's there were only 200, & the last of them finished working there in the early 1970's. The buildings are now gradually being renovated into spacious halls for wedding receptions or other festivities, as well as condos, apartments, a pub & restaurants! Captain Pabst's office is exactly the way it was left when he died in 1904--the desk is the one he used on his steam ship when he was captain. (That's Jennie's sitting in his chair). We were told that there was a joke back in the late 1800's that went something like: every home in Milwaukee has 3 faucets--one for cold water, one for hot water & the biggest one for the beer! :)

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