shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka


Ever seen a sit in protest involving Lego figures - here you go! There has been quite an atmosphere here today, since the Lego folk realised that the suitcase for my wee work trip to Marburg, Germany, will not contain any of them... Oh dear, not happy! Even PC Plod is neglecting his maintenance of order for a little civil disobedience on my suitcase! To be honest I think once they got into it, they were having quite a laugh, but a few had time to pull angry faces or hide their grins before I could get a photo of the festivities. They have now been forcibly removed, which felt very authoritarian of me, but I had to open the case back up and put more stuff in it!

Callum has not got any more test results back, which we are taking as a positive sign, and he finally, after about a month, got a cuddle with his mum today!

PS thanks for the lovely comments, faves and stars on yesterday's shot, I have to say I love it too!

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