Glory Road

As you might imagine, it was something of a shock to leave my woods-wandering days behind and head back to work on Wednesday morning. But I had meetings to go to, tasks to attend to, and so it was that I - somewhat reluctantly, I must admit - left my wild-child, globe-trotting life behind and rejoined the workaday world.

My first meeting of the day was on campus, and so I parked, as I usually do, near the Arboretum and walked down. My heart leapt to discover that the trees that line the lane to the President's house next to the Arboretum had turned golden since I'd been on campus last.

Just since Thursday, a transformation had occurred. Autumn splendor had come to the little tree row, turning it into a glory road. To think, I had been out and about, chasing the colors everywhere. And then I came back to find some of the best colors of all . . . waiting for me right here at home.

The soundtrack: Neil Diamond, Glory Road. I chose this version of the song because in the first minute and a half of the video before the song starts, Neil talks about living his dream. Yeah. That. Do it. Every. Single. Day. Starting . . . . NOW!

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