
Another unseasonably warm day. Annie even had to take her coat off when walking to the Bristol office it was that warm! Phew what a (almost) scorcher.

We bought a big bowl of sweets but no one came Trick or Treating to our door. I know it's dark as we don't have an outside light permanently on but we felt a bit unloved. Maybe they were frightened off by the scary witch's mask Annie had on - oh no, wait... my mistake* ;)

It turns out on closer inspection that the sweets are somewhat dubiously named. For example: "Banana Skids", "Fudge-ees" and "Mr Chew". Innuendos ahoy!

I (Chris) had a little walk around in the fallen leaves in the town centre at lunchtime and found a few nice angles of backlighting.

* No wives were upset in the telling of this joke. Happy Halloween everyone!

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