The Big Friendly Giant...

Jings, that was tough. I was constructing this idea in my head all week. Didn't however, put much practice into it and certainly didn't take into account the physical strain of it.

This costume was an endurance event and my shoulders are still hurting.

Sorry, did I not mention, as it's possibly not entirely obvious to those not familiar with the works of Roald Dahl. Ewan and I went guising as The BFG.

I didn't realize how big he'd grown and the combined weight of him and my rather expansive dressing gown. Couple that with hiding under the layers of clothes whilst holding it all up.

It was a relief to get out of it. Fun making and doing but physical exertion must probably be taken into account for these next time round. Someone did get a brilliant photo of one of our party hosts speaking to us before we dismounted. The person was perfectly speaking up at Ewan as if he was actually 7 feet tall.

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