Bonfire bokeh

Corin attempted to burn some things in the chiminea. However, it was very windy so he has abandoned that idea.

Just looked back through my 'year before' blips for 31st October - right the way back to October 2008 where I was starting to have some investigations done. Can't believe it's been 6 years of my life!

Still, am feeling pretty determined today. Once I am through the recovery phase of this op, I am determined to find a way to manage with whatever pain I am left with. Exercise is pretty key I think - I know that when I run, it helps, so I need to get back to that and building my core strength back up. Maybe a year from now, I won't necessarily be pain free, but I will be fitter, healthier and more able to cope with it when it happens. I think that optimism is better than the alternative.

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