Old Father Thames

Against stone and wood,
The incessant river laps,
Its stories untold.
Though form and function tower,
Be still awhile and listen.

....A rather grand day in London......

met Tash and Adam at London bridge and wandered along to see how the melting house was doing .... it is now pretty much a melting bungalow ..!

Then along to one of my favourite places for a lovely Turkish lunch, then wandering along south and north banks of the river to get to the Tower of London and to (try) see the poppies.

Just heading back to London bridge when Tash discovered there was a place nearby where "ladies" could get a free cocktail (courtesy of an app on her phone), so we headed to this bar and Bermondsey and had a very nice cocktail (prosecco and damson gin - yum), then back to London Bridge for the cattle truck train home.

Basically we traversed a circle with the Shard as the centre point. I am coming to like the Shard ... I disliked it's thrusting phallicness at first, but has become part of the skyline and a very useful landmark!

more pics here .... couldn't decide what to blip, but just love the shapes in this one ... was trying to write a poem about how it's the spaces that are important .... but it just wouldn't come ....

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