Every Picture Tells .....


Mark of the Beast

Halloween has been and gone but the gremlins are still running wild today.

I tried to download the latest version of iOS 8.1 on to my iPad this morning and it froze during the verifying phase. Things got worse because the thing wouldn't restart. After scouring the internet forums and lots of googling I found that I had no alternative but to connect up to the MacBook and do a full factory reset which means that I've lost some photographs, videos, emails and documents forever.

Then my hotmail account threw a wobbler and has locked me out so I'm  Temporarily Suspended

You wouldn't believe the lengths I went to to get this photo. String dipped in hot candle wax, white spirit and finally some petrol!

Next time I'll do it the easy way and use tea lights.

A fitting day for my 666th blip!

It can only get better. Going for a Thai take-away now!

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