Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Wakehurst Place

This morning while Luke was writing his university entrance exam I went with a friend to visit Wakehurst Place. It is a National Trust property, managed by Kew Gardens, situated in West Sussex. It consists of 465 acres of country estate and has ornamental gardens, temperate woodlands, a nature reserve and an Elizabethan mansion - and the well known Millennium Seed Bank. It was a clear day but rather chilly - the first day that I have felt cold enough to want to go indoors for a hot drink.

Then I met Luke at home and we went shopping for stuff that he needs. We had a very unsuccessful time trying to find some jeans that fit him properly, as his legs are too big for his waist size - if that makes sense!

Luke goes back to Strasbourg early tomorrow morning. I have loved seeing him again and will miss him, and am feeling rather sad that he has to leave so soon, but he is missing lectures at Strasbourg Uni. I won't see him again until the end of December, unless he is fortunate enough to get a university interview in mid December which he will have to come back for.

Apologies as I have not had time to look at any journals, I will try to catch up tomorrow.

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