My Life in A&E

By gilvratina

This week started, as usual, with a small cycle to the south of the city.

Later, of course, I cycled north again.

Met M at the wool shop (no purchases made, I hasten to add), enjoyed coffee in the sun and sushi back at mine.

In the post today I received a cd from Amazon. There was no information about the sender. Now, I do have a special day coming up, so a small gift in the post is not so strange. But nonetheless, it's a bit of a mystery....narrowed down only by dint of the cd being of ukulele music, so the sender knows that I have recently become a ukulele owner / appreciator. I'll need to get a mac to wear for all this sleuthing. Oh yes.

Rushed out after dinner to see some cool English improv courtesy of Lizzo and Co. (or Bake This, as they are officially known!).

This picture was supposed to show the grey / blue sky and the blue of the building, but I managed to include ute window frames. Makes it look a bit futuristic, I thought.

Anyway, happy new week.

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