Poppies - 'Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red'

This was taken by Mr PB, between us we took loads of pictures, but this is one of my favourites. We got to the Tower shortly after 10 and it was already very busy. I just wanted to see them. I didn't want to queue. We quite quickly got to the barrier and were able to see the vastness of the installation. It was magnificent. So poignant and quite moving I held back the tears. We managed to move around and get a view of the Weeping Window. Yes it was busy but well worth a visit to see just some of the 888,246 poppies that have been planted, one for each British and Colonial fatality during the war.

On the way to the Tower we spotted that you could go up the Monument, Sir Christopher Wren’s flame-topped Monument to the Great Fire of 1666. A fact I did not know is that it is the tallest isolated stone column in the world and was completed in 1677. We walked up the 311 steps and took in the amazing views. Great to see all the landmarks - new and old. Then we trotted off for some more culture at the V&A.

You could get lost in there! We wondered round for a couple of hours and then walked back to the tube at Knightsbridge. No we didn't go in Harrod's, but we did go in Divertimenti. OH WOW what a gorgeous shop. We could have spent a fortune in this kitchen shop.

Tubed back to Kings Cross, had a late lunch in the cheep and tasty noodle bar and then caught the train home. What a fantastic day we had.

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