
By Bob20

Delhi Day 1

We arrived in Delhi after what seemed a very short flight as I slept for all but about one hour of it. Little did I know that as soon as we arrived at our hotel, we were going out!!

I have never seen so many people!!!! The roads were gridlocked with everything from Oxen to tourist buses, bikes, motorbikes, cars to “tut-tuts” and anything else with wheels.. It was like nothing I have really experienced before. It is just so colourful and quite amazing. It must be a unique experience on our planet.

First stop, an open mosque, Mosque Jama Masjid, followed by the Red Fort. Quite a sight and it must have been beautiful in times long ago. It still is beautiful but has been vandalised over the centuries.

It didn’t take long to realise that we are a tourist attraction, and we were in the thick of it. It wasn’t us taking photos, largely the locals wanting to take photos of us. Mrs. Bob says it is because we are blonde, I prefer to think it is because our looks have matured and improved with age, rather like a good wine). We didn’t see anyone else being clamoured for their photograph. Bollywood stars we are now.

So, today, for my first blip in India, it is not the usual tourist or sightseeing shot. It is Mrs. Bob having her photograph taken with a class of local school children and their teachers.

Off out to carefully eat now, then an early night.Tomorrow, more of Delhi. Thanks for joining me on my trip to India. Please call again!

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