"the water may be slightly discoloured"

There has been a water leak in our village’s water main. We don’t know about it until we run some water to make a hot drink. The water comes out of the tap looking very strange. We phone the water company (WC) and hear about the leak. It has now been fixed and all is well. But the colour of the water? The conversation goes like this…

WC - The leak has now been fixed but the water may be slightly discoloured for a short while…
Me - Actually it’s dark brown and full of dirt.
WC – Yes there may be some discolouring. Just let the tap run until it runs clear.
Me – We’ve run the tap for 10 minutes, it’s still very brown and dirty.
WC – Well, you may need to run the water for 45 minutes.
Me – 45 minutes!
WC – Yes, and when it runs clear from the cold tap you may need to let the hot water run until it’s clear too.
Me –What about the dirt in the water?
WC – It’s only discolouring.
Me – It’s not only discolouring. It’s full of sand and grit. It settles in a layer on the bottom of the sink when I run the water.
WC – (Speaking a little reluctantly) Yes, it is possible they may be a little sediment. Run the water until the sediment disappears.
Me – Is it safe to drink.
WC – Oh yes, no problem with drinking the water.
Me – Oh, that’s good!
WC – Well, if you aren’t sure you could boil it.
Me – (Thinks – aren’t YOU supposed to be sure – I’m just a customer)

We run the water for twenty minutes until it’s only slightly discoloured and the particles are very fine. Then we make coffee (boiling the water well!) and drink it. It tastes like coffee and healthwise so far so good.

Lets hope our neighbours are also running a lot of water and tomorrow we’ll have resumed normal service.

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