My Pointless Day

I had a wonderful day out yesterday which had many highlights: I met a wonderful Twitter friend for the first time; I watched a Pointless Celebrities Comedians Special being recorded and I came home with my very own signed copy of The Very Pointless Quiz Book.

I was very fortunate to be at the show as a 'production guest' so my friend and I had front row seats right next to the wonderful (and gigantic) Richard Osman. He and Alexander Armstrong were on very good form and the banter flowed freely between them - shame the 'rude' bits won't make it to air. It was a very funny and slick performance by all concerned and I hope you get a chance to see it when it airs next year.

I know this isn't the best photo in the world, but I will treasure the book and the memories of a fabulous day for a very long time!

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