...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn


Reflecting...from thinking of when my kidos were babies, high school friends, getting old, and falling in love, to my friend dying of cancer, to the opportunities that I have to stretch creatively, to this journey called life. Our pastor spoke on PASSION this morning. Am I passionate about the right things? Maybe because it is raining again, I am distracted into myself. We get so much sunshiny weather and the sun blasts the darkness away. With cloud cover and the rain I am able to be still and calm and think.

This flower is the first on the bush. This bush was given to me the day after my daughter was born, it was mother's day, a gift from my dad almost 25 years ago. Stirrings about my son, whom 'just yesterday' would ride his bike up and down the street after playing Super Mario for an hour (our family rule). Can it really be that it was that long ago? Didn't my hubby & I just meet in photography class, and fall in love? We were so young! I, in no way, shape or form feel like I am that old. Our high school reunion is coming up. My year and my husbands year are joining together to celebrate. My facebook has been buzzing with friend requests. Wow, some look the same, some I wouldn't recognize. And then I think...boy, I am getting gray. Gggrrr! My friend with cancer, said she found another lump. Her doctor told her last year she really only had until March to live. It is March, what will happen? I believe in miracles!!!

Then I am thinking, I love the thought of doing more creative things. It is exciting to see what waits around the corner. The photo group and requests to work on side projects, it is exciting...but really I am just waiting to see what will come of all this.


It is a good time to step back, step up and step in to what the NEXT STEP will be!!!

Have a wonderful week!!! I will!!!

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