
By ElectricFish

Sarumstroller's Thursday challenge

Very enjoyable day today though the roads in many parts were dangerously flooded. Spent part of the day in the forge designing a pendant of a school clock with a working pendulum....Hope that works out lol....

The rain was incessant until about 4pm when the sun came out to apologise and painted wonderful colours right into the coming sunset... Unfortunately as the sun wandered off to the U.S. the rain has returned with a vengence...

Would not have swapped my day for anything though as I got lots of pics on the beach and the headland... I also had the very pleasant company which always supercedes any weather Mother Nature can throw at me. The forlorn building posted was once the prized possession of a successful hill farmer but times change and expectations of the following generations expect more...unfortunately....just saying.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

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