
By cracker

Red Pepper!

Nothing much to report today! No calls at work, watched a couple of movies, read some of my book, went out to the supermarket and got lunch! Someone came in early and I got to leave early which was great! Played with Spence outside in the backyard when I got home, while Kaz cooked up tea, meat and 6 veg!! It was beautiful!

Spence and I went and checked out the vegie garden and the lemon tree! We saw this red pepper or capsicum growing and before I could stop him, Spence had pulled another green (not ripe yet) one off the bush! It is great watching and listening to him run around and squeal and laugh with delight!

It is Spencer's 2nd birthday on Saturday and Kaz and I are having a combined housewarming/birthday party with about 50 people coming! We are busy planning the food etc. The weather is meant to be a lot nicer than the last few days which is a relief!

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