aging hippy

By aginghippy

Hello blippers, I'm Clarence

Hello blippers, I'm Clarence,

Isn't mr. douglas wonderful? There I was consigned to the dusty depths of the bottom shelf in Michael's the local arts and crafts store when mr. douglas saw me earlier today.

I was so happy when he took me to the checkout in this great big basket on wheels that I tried to clap my hands but it was difficult inside the old box.

As soon as we were outside the store mr. douglas gave me my freedom. He explained to me that I was going to live in his studio and become his senior model.
I was so thrilled at this that I just ignored the other shoppers who were looking very strangely at mr. douglas talking to me. He sat me on the big basket with wheels as we went through the parking lot and then he took my picture that all you blippers can see here. I don't know what 'raving loon' means but the nasty woman that said it dropped her bread loaf in the puddle so justice was served.

Now when we got home mr. douglas showed me where I'd be living, but as soon as he goes out again I'll go exploring.

I think he'll be going out soon because mrs. margaret is not very happy with him today.

You see my new blipper friends, mr. douglas is not allowed anywhere near drills, hammers, screwdrivers, pliers and certainly not near any power tools.
mrs.margaret says he is cackhanded. I don't know what a cack is or if they even have hands, but mrs. margaret was not happy when mr. douglas tried to change the showerhead in his bathroom. Something snapped and there was water everywhere and broken bits of pipe and cracked tiles and mrs. margaret had to call a mr. plumber to come and repair the damage. She doesn't seem to be very happy with mr. douglas at the moment.

Anyway we're off to the studio to keep out of the way for a little while. I'm looking forward to my new home and chatting with you all every now and then about life here. I think it will be exciting.
bye bye for now,
your friend

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