just sitting,

By justsitting



For a wee while I have been adding music links to my blips, why?
There are other blips where they have added music that relates to the pictures, I like that idea but the music wouldn't reflect my day if I was seeking musical moods for photos. I have certainly found some great new music through these other blips.
The links I am adding are pieces of music that have relevance to my day. They will sometimes be music I am listening to while doing the nightly chores. They may be something we have danced to in the day. Maybe it will be the music that is on in the background when I am faffing with photos or doing my blip. It amazes me where my youtube wanders take me. It maybe is something I have heard through day on 6music, that has brought back a memory or is some new find. Or it is maybe something that has found it's way into my head. When I look through the links, they are now ranging from Motorhead to The Andrew Sisters. There is a lot of Jazz Piano Trios, and lots of Scottish bands, especially from the Fence collective and friends.

Had a busy day trying to sort out some stuff with a piece of work that has been stuck to me for a while. And today the nightmare continued..ho, hum, ho, hum,

Popped up to Real foods at lunchtime via the canal in the search for some blippage. Blippage was got.

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