At The Tron

A night shot today, as I 've been running all day as a headless chicken and I've had no time for daylight photography.

This morning I was so sleepy when the alarm clock woke me up, that I managed to press the stop botton instead of the snooze one, so I fell completely asleep after that. When I finally woke up, I thought that the light through the window was too strong for the time in the morning I was expecting it to be, so I checked my watch. It was almost time to leave my flat to get to work on time!!! Aaaargh!

I managed to get ready and have something to eat as quickly as I could and I rushed out of the flat. As it usually happens in these cases, there were no taxis around (sod's law), so I had to get a bus instead. The bus leaves me on the North Bridge, so I had to run all the way up the Royal Mile (those who live in Edinburgh will know what that means...). I managed to get to work just five minutes late and completely breathless!!

Then on my lunch break I had to go all the way down to Leith to get a prescription I couldn't get yesterday because they had to order it for me, and all the way up again, whilst having my lunch, all in an hour!!

Work was busy as well because of the rugby visitors. What a day!!

Time to relax now..

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars yesterday on my fiery sky! I hope you're all having a good weekend! :)

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