
By richardg

Hip operation needed?

If you are stuck in a rut and your spine is bent....then don't despair.Instead,be like this willow tree......hold on tight and make the most of what is available.
Last night we saw a wonderful,life affirming film which exemplified this attitude. Called "HIP-HOPERATION", it is a NZ film about a group of 27 senior citizens [aged from 67 to 94 !!] who go to Hip Hop classes and,eventually,to a world event in Las Vegas. Now Hip Hop is not normally the music genre of elderly white folk so they are introduced to a group of young coloureds who mentor the seniors.The relationship and respect between these two diverse groups is wonderful. Then the pleasure that the oldies get from their performances is a joy to behold.It does bring a tear to the eye at times but you are sure to come out with a big smile. Highly recommended.

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