
It has been eventful.

With just a little closure on the tube to start the day, I surfaced, just a touch late, at Westminster to the 10am bong!

I have then spent the day in Jamie's company. Despite him never having had a trip out with me alone, I was really impressed with his maturity and ease of just getting on with the day without his mum and sister. Jamie had never been on the Underground so I put him in charge of the directions and he picked it up really well - negotiating the journey to a science fair at Bethnal Green, followed by a trip to London Bridge to visit The Clink, which he'd fancied the day before. Heading back, he said he'd like to go up The Shard next time he came down so we dashed up this time instead.

Most of this time, Holly was still waiting. After 2.5 hours, she was finally sent for her general anaesthetic and scan. She is the bravest girl I know and was recovering quite well when we arrived back. Jamie asked to walk back to the hospital along the Thames as he'd really enjoyed the street artists the night before.  

After a little throwing up session, we started the drive home at 6.30pm.  Again, Holly was great and the bucket was not required despite a few touch & go moments.  I noted that Holly grinds her teeth desperately and unintentionally and despite being tired is unable to sleep in the car... Perhaps because of the involuntary movements of CP, I'm not sure.  

About two hours later, there was grinding of a different sort.

I watched from the back seat, a lorry running parallel to us.  Slowly overtaking.  Edging, it seemed, a little too close.

Metal grinding metal is not the best of sounds to hear as you're travelling at 50mph.  As the lorry tried to pull in, Liz hung on tight in his blind spot and we had a very lucky escape.  Minus a door handle and with railway lines down the side of the car, this is just a little something else for Liz to deal with.

Holly finally let rip on the drive; relief to be home probably. But she had made it all the way up the motorway without incident.  And we thought that was fair enough.

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