Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Red's Ahoy

Arrived safe and sound in Leeds (thanks Paul!) for Thought Bubble; after checking into the hotel it was time for dinner! One thing I've learned in the past couple of days is that indecisiveness is a trait most of my geek buddies share, so we hadn't managed to pin down a meeting time/place. Jenni, Paul, Phil and I took it upon ourselves to hit Red's True Barbecue; BEST DECISION EVER. I had a rum and root beer float, brisket and bbq gravy sammich with sweet potato fries and the most scrummy banana pudding after. Delish.

Had a brilliant rest of the evening; after a quick rest and Brooklyn Nine Nine sesh at the hotel we popped out to hit the pub with some other nerd buddies. Lovely :)

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