A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

DellCon 0.1

Part of our plans for the enormous house are to be able to host a small boardgames convention from time to time. Such conventions are, by convention (?), named <Name>Con; be that MidCon, FurryCon, RamsdenCon, CastleCon,...

Tonight we hosted out first 'invite others we don't necessarily know, to play games' evening, and a good time was had. We played a couple of older games, Linie 1 (which I completely messed up) and Entdecker (Discoverer).

Looking forward to more of the same.

Had the gas fires serviced today and thereby learnt that two fires we have are 'bespoke' by some local chap who made gas fires using techniques that now raise eyebrows. One was declared safe, and one classed as 'I'm not turning that on'. The third, ironically the most standards-compliant, we disconnected as next week were replacing it with a wood burner.

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