
By scribbler


Northwest Library, 3pm on a rainy afternoon. SOOC

The amount of detail in this shot amazes me. I am just about done singing the praises of my iPhone 6 Plus camera in low light conditions (which is about all we have this time of year in Portland). I just have to get in a macro test, and then I promise to stop. But I'm chuffed.


One week to go. Not a lot of progress. I knew I was in for a long slog, but I did think I'd make more progress during November. Can't afford to let the momentum slip away, so I regretfully announce that you will continue to see little of me in your blip comments. So sorry!

Here is an apt quotation from Portland writing teacher and author Jessica Morrell:

Sticking with a book-length project is hard once the original spark of inspiration fades and the drudgery of rewrites sets in. Starting a new novel is like falling in love, finishing the darn thing can feel like falling out of love then coming home to an empty, cold house. Finishing might never be as much fun as dreaming up the plot and naming your characters. But trust me, it will feel damn good because typing the words “the end” is one of the biggest rushes ever.
Completion is energizing and builds confidence.
Completion brings peace.

Completion is what I'm aiming for.

It helps to have seen freespiral's lovely book, "Walking the Sheep's Head Way," published by herself and Himself. Blessings on all writers—and all readers, without whom our work would not be complete.

“You may write for the joy of it,
but the act of writing is not complete in itself.
It has its end in its audience.”
— Flannery O’Connor

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