Fearless Flyer

A very big day today. For the last 20 years H has had a fear of flying, this means that as a family we don't really travel.

So we bought her a Fear of Flying course for her Birthday.

The course was last night with a flight today and so we found ourselves at Stansted Airport at 11am this morning ready to fly.

Even though this is a 45 minute sightseeing flight we still had to endure all of the security which I think is enough to put anyone off flying. Then we got to the gate.

The rest of the people from the course were there, some feeling confident, some verging on hysteria. H was quiet but seemed ok.

Then we got onto the plane, this is where we had a wobble. A packed plane with people moving slowly to their seats is enough to make me claustrophobic so I could completely understand H deciding she did not want to go through with it. So we got off.

The Fearless Flying team then stepped in, talking to H about her issues, and using Tapping techniques to calm her down and remove her fear. I am very sceptical about stuff like this but it really worked. I could see H calming down.

We got back on the plane, H was calm, even smiling. There was a bit of a wait, H remained calm. We taxied and then took off. I think at this point H remembered how exciting take off is. There were smiles, laughter and then some tears (from both of us and I suspect most of the people on the plane). The rest of the short flight was great and whilst a few people were a little shaky the Fearless Flyer team were on hand to help them.

Utterly amazing, I am so incredibly proud, even more so due to the fact that H got back onto the plane.

As we left this morning Poppy said 'Mummy, if you can do this I will Poo myself with proudness'. Thankfully she went to the toilet before we got back!

Time for a well earned drink I think..


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