In Today's Views...

By LovePopcorn

Boy Riding Bicycle

Took a break from Accounting homework since my brain was overloading and my eyeballs were tired.  Walked around the park and by the shopping center; I decided to try and practice my "stealth photography" skills.  People in this neighborhood are VERY skittish (practically hostile) about people with cameras.
 So far most of my long distance movement shots have been "Monet" grainy, so no soccer, lacrosse or American football practices have survived long enough for you to see them.
  My camera has both a regular eye viewing screen an a flat fold out viewing screen.  I practiced using the flat one, which means not wearing sunglasses so I can see if the subject is framed or not.  
  Yesterday when I tried to do that I was moving towards the subject as they moved towards me - that doesn't work! I now know that I have to stand still and let the subject do the movement.
   I am still bumbling and fumbling with my controls, turn the camera off when I mean to snap the blip or turn the lens to Wide when I want Telephoto or vice versa and stuff like that.  I have to sit and do some serious reading of the manual to get the finer details in my mind.
  Anyway,this one came out okay enough to submit.
That's the views for today. Goodnight.

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