Slip sliding away

Same mountain, different day. This one taken from a little closer
Thanks for your kind comments yesterday.

Had an indifferent meal last night. The trouble with swiss mountain food is that there isn't a great variety. Well, not eating meat probably doesn't help. But having had a delicious croûte au fromage (melted cheese on bread) for lunch, we weren't too excited about a bubbling cheese fondue in the evening. No matter.

Awoke to more blue skies. So depsite the rather slippery icy conditions we ventured out for a walk up along the valley to a village called Zmutt and then down and across to Furi, where we had lunch (more cheese!) and then caught the cablecar down.

A super 3 hour walk in the beautiful mountain air, and sitting outside for lunch. Can't be bad.

We were slip sliding on the ice, but fortunately not away

P. Simon

Home to an empty house. :-(
a short year ago

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