From Across the Pond...

By transatlantic

F I F A!

I was grumpy this morning from a long week of work and having to wake up at 530 to take a cab to the airport (it's Saturday), but the new terminal at the Cape Town airport was impressive and cheered me up a bit. Along with a lot of other things in the city, it has been completely rebuilt in order to accommodate the World Cup, although unlike most of the projects, they actually finished this. It's still unclear whether, with only 100 days until the soccer is set to begin, the roads, stadium, and power grid will be ready for the estimated gagillion people coming to South Africa. The terminal I landed in in Joburg was also new and stylish, but they were blasting a Muzak version of "You Can Call Me Al" by Paul Simon, which was lame. When Lindsey's family came to visit, her sister's boyfriend said at one point that he thought the tourism industry here was often a little too African?he nailed it.

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